How Obtaining a Permanent Makeup Certification Can Improve Your Med Spa Revenue

As a med spa owner, you want to offer your customers the best services possible. At The International School of Permanent Makeup (ISPMU), we’ve helped many spa owners add permanent makeup to their service listings, providing them with the training they and their staff need in order to offer this outstanding option. If you’re interested in permanent makeup training, please contact us today!

Obtaining a permanent makeup certification can improve your med spa in many ways, including increasing revenue, attracting new clients, and providing recurring value. In this post, we’ll look at a few ways permanent makeup can benefit your business. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at any time.

Offers Recurring Value to Customers

As a business owner, it’s important that your clients feel like they’re getting the best value for their money. There are likely other spa and beauty services they could choose, but they’ve decided to come to your location, for what’s likely a number of reasons. With permanent makeup, you can offer recurring value, whether it’s for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes. With trained permanent makeup experts, your clients will feel comfortable trusting them with their face and body.

Attracts New Clientele

Permanent makeup services can be a great way to attract new clientele in your area. There are many people who are looking for these types of services, and not every med spa offers them. By training your staff in this service, you can offer the service on your website or in your spa location, letting potential clients know they can come to you for eyeliner applications, brow tattoo applications, and much more. Permanent makeup can be a great way to make your med spa stand out, especially if there are several similar businesses in your area.

Increases Lifetime Value of Customers

You likely have loyal customers who come to you again and again for various services. They trust you with their health and beauty care, and you want to build that type of relationship with every client. Through permanent makeup, you can increase the lifetime value of your customers, as they come back in for touch-up procedures, or you can let them know about the other services your spa offers. They may have come to you initially for permanent makeup, but you can offer them other options, such as massage or laser hair removal. New customers can become repeat customers, and that’s always good for business!

Permanent Makeup Is in High Demand

As we mentioned above, people are looking for permanent makeup services in their area. If you’re not offering it as a service, you’re missing out on potential revenue. With permanent makeup training from ISPMU, you can add it as a service and take advantage of the high demand in your area. People of all types are looking for permanent makeup options, and they’ve likely been looking for the right spa for some time. You can meet their needs and create a new influx of clients! Our team can help you find the right training options and answer any questions you have about the permanent makeup process.

If you’re ready to add permanent makeup as a service for your med spa, please reach out to ISPMU today. We are an advanced esthetics school that offers current training in permanent makeup, microblading, and much more. We’ve worked with estheticians across the country, helping them get the certification they need to offer permanent makeup to their clients. We’d love the opportunity to work with you and help you improve your business.

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